Base Variable

The Base Variable subsection within the Blocks category consists of a diverse set of block types, each corresponding to fundamental data types in computer science. These blocks are essential for handling and manipulating data within GraphLinq graphs, enabling users to work with various data representations and perform operations involving literals and variables.

One of the block types found in this subsection is the Boolean block, which represents the Boolean data type capable of holding either true or false values. Users can utilize this block to make logical decisions and control the flow of their graphs based on conditions.

For numeric data with decimal precision, the Decimal block comes into play. It allows users to work with numerical values that include decimal points, facilitating precise calculations and data manipulation.

When dealing with whole number values, the Integer block is the ideal choice. This block handles integers without decimal points and enables mathematical operations involving whole numbers.

The KeyValue block is used to define key-value pairs, providing a structured way to organize and work with data. Users can use this block to store related information in their graphs efficiently.

For handling large integer values, the Long block comes into play. It allows users to store and manipulate large whole number values within their graphs.

Textual data is handled by the String block, which can contain characters, spaces, and numbers. This block is essential for working with text-based information and performing string operations.

To retrieve the value of a previously declared variable within the graph's data context, the Get Variable block is employed. This block enables users to access stored data and use it in subsequent parts of their graphs.

Determining whether a variable with a given name has been declared within the graph is made possible with the Is Variable Exist block. This block allows users to control the flow of their graphs based on the existence of specific variables.

For declaring and assigning values to variables within the graph, the Set Variable block is utilized. It provides a means to store data dynamically and enables users to use variables for more flexible graph design.

The Variable Portal block plays a role in transferring data from one area of the graph to another while maintaining visual organization. This block ensures that data flows smoothly between different parts of the graph.

Finally, the Secret String block handles sensitive text data but hides its contents from view within the graph file. This block is ideal for managing confidential information securely within the graph.

Together, these blocks offer a versatile set of tools for managing and manipulating data in GraphLinq graphs. By leveraging the capabilities of these block types, users can build powerful automated workflows and decentralized applications with ease, efficiently handling a wide range of data types and operations.

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